Imagine changing
the way we build.

That's exactly what we do. Introducing offsite construction with hybrid systems.

The industrial revolution of construction has arrived.

Offsite construction with hybrid systems makes it possible to be extremely quick and efficient. Each phase of the production is planned. Each hybrid system calculated. We know exactly when what will happen. Who said predictability is boring?

Estimations are a sign of the times.
Past times.

Construction these days is way too much of a guessing game. In timing, in budget, even in the needed materials. Let's make sure we're already sure from the start and save costs by 40 to 50%!

Calculated to

With hybrid systems, every inch of every element is calculated. We know exactly what we'll use, and how pieces perfectly fit together. And then we test them. And re-test them. And re-re-test them. To ensure ultimate performance in terms of thermal, acoustic comfort, energy use and fire resistance.

yet easily customized.

With closed panel systems, walls are assembled off-site including insulation and cement boards. Even the facade and windows are placed in the factory. Streamlining these parts makes it possible to speed up manufacturing and delivery. Without losing the creative freedom to customize.

No room for error.
Or bad weather.

For an average of 30 days a year, construction sites are shut down because of too hot, too cold or too rainy weather. A whole month lost. Every year! Luckily, we've got a steady roof over our factory.

From digital architecture to artificial intelligence: the building process is completely digitalized.

If we say fast,
we mean 1 house a day.

40% faster

Offsite construction gives you a 40% time gain, compared to conventional construction.

Offsite construction reduces transport to the build site drastically. Obviously, because we only drive there once.

Interested to know more?

Select your location for the correct contact information.

Nieuwlandlaan 39 (B224)
3200 Aarschot

Let's see some references.